News Archive

Πέμπτη 17 Μαϊου 2012 : Άνθρωποι των επιχειρήσεων, στελέχη και πολλοί ακόμη φίλοι και συνεργάτες του γνωστού τραπεζικού στελέχους και επιστήμονα κ. Γιώργου Γάκη, υποψήφιου διδάκτορα του Azteca University-Greece, ανταποκρίθηκαν χθες βράδυ στο κάλεσμά του όπου  για πρώτη φορά παρουσίασε στο ευρύ κοινό τη νέα ερευνητική εργασία με την ονομασία «Εvpedia». Αφετηρία του το βήμα του Επιμελητηρίου Βοιωτίας, σ` ένα κατάμεστο αμφιθέατρο, με τους προσκεκλημένους να μείνουν έως το τέλος για να παρακολουθήσουν την ενδιαφέρουσα ανθρωπιστική του προσέγγιση στο σύγχρονο μάνατζμεντ! Περισσότερα διαβάστε στο


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Universidad Azteca signed an agreement of academic and scientific collaboration with fully autonomous UCN Universidad Central de Nicaragua to jointly offer double degree programmes to international students

These programmes enable students to earn postgraduate degrees awarded by both recognised universities in the following study areas:

El programa de Doble Titulación abarca las siguientes especialidades en Licenciaturas, Maestrías y Programas de Doctorado:

•    Administración y Gerencia de Empresas, Business Administration and Management (MBA, MSc, PhD, DBA)
•    Comercio Internacional, International Commerce (MSc, DBA)
•    Relaciones Internacionales, International Relations (PhD) 
•    Derecho,Law (various specializations) (Dr.) 
•    Psicología, Psychology (PhD)
•    Ciencia Ambiental y Gestión Ambiental, Environmental Science and Environmental Management (MSc, PhD)
•    Ciencias de la Salud, Health Sciences (MSc, PhD)
•    Medicina Alternativa (Natural Medicine) (MSc, PhD)
•    Salud Públicas, Public Health (PhD)
•    Administración Pública, Public Administration (PhD)
•    Ciencias Políticas y Sociales, Social and Political Sciences (PhD)
•    Pedagogía, Education  (D.Ed.)

Universidad Central de Nicaragua is fully accredited as autonomous university according to Nicaraguan law on the autonomy of institutions of higher education and is entitled to award degrees at all levels. UCN, among other study areas is particularly reputed for Medicine and International Relations programmes. 
See statement of CNU Consejo Nacional de Universidades, the National Council of Universities in charge of institutional accreditation of a private university prior to awarding full constitutional autonomy to the university by Act of Parliament and Presidential Decree.

See statement of the Rectorate of UCN about accreditation and autonomy and degree awarding powers of UCN.

NARIC Austria requires the following features of a UCN diploma: signed by the Rector and Registrar of UCN, signature confirmed by CNU Consejo Nacional de Universidades, and legalisation by Foreign Ministry. See example. UCN diplomas meet these requirements.

Universidad Azteca opens Branch Campus Wels (Austria)

See Kronenzeitung - See Welser Bezirksblatt
Universidad Azteca and Burgas Free University (Bulgaria) agree on admission of Universidad Azteca graduates to programmes offered by BFU in English study language.

Universidad Azteca opens Branch Campus Mauritius with VTI Vocational Training Institute approved by MQA Mauritius Qualifications Authority and TEC Tertiary Education Commission of the government of Mauritius.

Universidad Azteca and STUBA (SK) start talks on future joint programmes.

Universidad Azteca opens Branch Campus Switzerland with Paramed & Interuniversitäre Hochschule für Gesundheit und Entwicklung.

Universidad Azteca and Universidad Sevilla sign an agreement on academic and scientific collaboration.

Universidad Azteca and KSOU Karnataka State Open University (India) agree on joint double degree programmes at Bachelor, Master and Doctorate levels for international students.

Universidad Azteca and Universidad Autonoma de los Andes sign an agreement on scientific collaboration.

Universidad Azteca and Spectrum International College of Technology (Malaysia) agree on collaboration in provision of joint programmes.

Universidad Azteca and Medizinische Universität Innsbruck sign an agreement on recognition of certain coursework from the Universidad Azteca Diploma/Master in Medical Psychology.

Universidad Azteca research center Aurach (Austria) is awarded two research projects by Parazelsus Medizinische Privatuniversität Salzburg and by Institute Dr. Popp

Universidad Azteca opens Branch Campus with Inter-university College of Health and Development in Graz Seggau, launching a research doctorate programme in complementary, psycho-social and integrated health sciences (available as double degree programme with UCN).

Universidad Azteca authorises emca academy in Leobersdorf, Austria, to operate a franchise branch campus and offer programmes of Universidad Azteca in blended learning mode. 

A class of Universidad Azteca graduates of Licenciado en Psicologia from Austria  and Germany were admitted to PhDr rigorosum doctorate programme in Psychology with UKF University Constantine the Philosopher in Nitra, SK, after evaluation of the equivalence of Licenciado with Slovak MA degree and positive evaluation by ENIC Slovakia of Universidad Atzeca. Some candidates have already submitted the thesis and passed the doctoral defence examination. We congratulate !

Universidad Azteca validates programmes of Monarch UGSM Business School and agrees on joint degree programmes.

Universidad Azteca validates programmes of Borough College London and agrees on joint degree programmes.

Universidad Azteca and MITSDE Maharashtra Institute of Technology School of Distance Edcuation (accredited by Indian DEC Distance Education Council) agree on joint double degree PGD and MBA programmes. These programmes are provided in English.

Universidad Azteca and Varna Free University (Bulgaria) sign Letter of Intent on joint franchise programmes.

Information for Austrian students: NARIC Austria informs on Universidad Azteca recognition and use of degrees in Austria (Anerkennung der Universidad Azteca und Führung der akademischen Grade). BMWF legal department informs on Führbarkeit des Dr.-Grades of Universidad Azteca. Legal notice by BMWF on Führbarkeit akademischer Grade. Universidad Azteca meets all formal requirements of legalisation of diplomas for Austria by means of Apostille. Universidad Azteca (Spanish language) degrees and diplomas are all legalised by Apostille included in tuitions and fees of a programme (English language diploma can be Apostilled for additional charge).

Universidad Azteca and FAF Fachakademie für Finanzdienstleister in Vienna (Austria) agree to collaborate in joint programmes and to establish the branch campus Vienna.

International Association of Universities / International Universities Bureau, UNESCO House, Paris, updates information on name change to "Universidad Azteca" and PhD offered. 

 The Mexican government Secretary of Public Education (SEP) registers the notification of the Universidad Azteca PhD in Administration (multidisciplinary) in distance education mode in the SIRVOE information system of accredited programmes.

Universidad Azteca de Chalco (Centro de Estudios Superiores) changes the official name of the institution into "Universidad Azteca"

Universidad Azteca establishes the Division of Asian Programmes headed by Lic. Zemeer Nayar Padikkal, Dubai, UAE. 

Universidad Azteca establishes the Division of European Programmes headed by Dean DDr. Gerhard Berchtold, Austria.

Universidad Azteca establishes the Division of International Programmes as "Universidad Azteca International Network System" headed by Dr. Ricardo R. Saavedra Hidalgo.